Greek Olympics 2014
Each year the fraternities and sororities of Ottawa host the annual Greek Olympics, a weekend full of social events, sporting games and fun! Organizations embrace the spirit of friendly competition in sports such as volley-ball and soccer, as well as strategy games including video games and poker with the goal of earning that trophy at the end of the weekend marked "Champions."
The weekend is starts off with a bottle drive, with earnings going towards a charity/philanthrophy selected each year. This year, as a community, we raised $18,000!! Way to go everyone!!
As for us APP's, we had great participation from alumni, actives and even our new members! We are so proud of everyone for their efforts and placing in the following events:
3rd Bottle Drive
2nd Air Bands
1st Dodgeball
3rd Quarters
2nd Poker
3rd Video Games
As for the remaining events, everyone did such an amazing job! Special shout out to Sigma Pi and Tau Sigma Phi, both of Carleton University for winning and taking home the gold!

But what makes this weekend extra special is the bonding that comes with it. It is time spent with our new members and alumni sisters who make the trip up to Ottawa to compete and support.