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Charlotte Places 3rd at JDCC

Every year business schools from Ontario, Quebec and the Maritimes come together for a weekend of business case competitions, social and sports challenges, debates and of course fun at Jeux de Commerce Central. This past January, I, Charlotte, was part of the Entrepreunuership team and was in training every Sunday from September up until the competition weekend, the last of January in Toronto. By being on the Entreprenuership team, myself and my two teammates were given a case for analysis and to come up with an idea to present to a panel of judges. Oh and I did I mention that we only have 3 hours? Highlights from the weekend include meeting Peyton from One Tree Hill, meeting Karina from our Delta chapter who was at the competition competiting in MIS, and of course PLACING 3RD OVERALL!! I recommend to anyone who studies business to definitely get involved in case competitions as they differiente your resume so much and equip you with skills you never thought possible. - Charlotte, Theta



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