Spotlight On: Omicron Class
As the winter months become warmer, this only means one thing: Alpha Pi Phi has initiated another incredible group of women into its sisterhood. This year, we are lucky to have found a group of strong, diverse, and intelligent women who we have no doubt will bring many great things to our organization.
Read on to discover what Alpha Pi Phi means to our Omicron class:

"I'm extremely thankful for APP bringing me my little omicron family! These past few weeks have allowed us to open up and really make connections that will last a lifetime." -Brooke

What APP means to me:
"Surround yourself with people who will life you higher."
What I've learned:
"Work hard, be dedicated, and give your all. Never half ass anything."
Something I love about a sister:
"Kayla Klufas is the funniest and most beautiful soul, she never fails to put me in an amazing mood."
- Briany Silva
"The one thing that stood out to me about Alpha Pi Phi was the emphasis of loyalty. Loyalty is not only my strongest value, but also my proudest trait. This was the first Omi sisterhood that we did and it was honestly so important to me because it was when everyone finally showcased their true selves and everyone's walls came down. It was the day i realized I loved every single one of these girls for their uniqueness and I would be happy to call them my sisters. This was the day they gained my loyalty and I felt confident in knowing I had attained theirs." - G

"I'm so thankful to be part of a community such as Alpha Pi Phi. Choosing to rush this winter was the best decision I've ever made. In such a short period of time, Alpha Pi Phi has changed me for the better and has given me friendships that I know will last a lifetime. APP is my home away from home and has given me more than I could have ever imagined." - Mher Gattuor

"I always knew I wanted to be part of a sorority, and after my first meet and greet I realized how much I needed to be part of APP. I left feeling so warm and genuinely loved by a group of girls that I barely knew, and I couldn't wait to get to know them better! Meeting the other girls in my pledge class and then being initiated is when it all felt so real! I was part of something truly magical for life. It truly is an overwhelming feeling." - Rai Robinson
"What I love the most about APP is the love that each sister has for each other. If any sister is in need, no matter what the problem is, someone is always there to show their support. Through my new member process I have learned to be more considerate of people's feelings and how my actions can affect others positively. I love how everyone is kind in APP." - Daniela Ochoa

"APP has given me an entire new support system and group of women! One of the best decisions I have made in university!" - Hannah Sutherland

"APP has already taught me so much including what it means to be a sister. I can't wait to keep learning and growing to become the best sister I can be to all of these amazing girls." - Morgan Leet

"Over the past two months, APP gave me the opportunity to meet girls who are similar but also different than me in so many ways. It has helped to prioritize what really matters in regard to my academics, friendships, as well as myself. I've been given the opportunity to meet friends who I know are in it for the long haul and I will forever be grateful to APP for that. I've been blessed with the best big I could've asked for, the best pledge class I could've spent two months with and friendships that will last a lifetime." - Natasha Andrade

"Finding APP was like finding home again. I moved around a lot after high school and I missed that feeling of having a community and support system there for you. APP perfectly embodies sisterhood; every girl is so genuinely kind and dedicated to better herself and her organization, while still managing to help and support everyone else. From my first rush event, which was the first meet and greet, I knew this organization was for me. It was so natural and everyone was so loving and kind! I'm so proud to be a part of such a beautiful organization, and from my time as a new member I've already noticed I've grown so much! I can't wait to continue my journey as an active sister!" -Katie Mann

"I know I haven’t been a part of APP for very long at all however, this organization has already made such big impact on my life. Throughout my life I have always struggled with my anxiety when it comes to social settings, and this was one of the biggest reasons why I was so scared to rush this winter. However, after days of convincing from my best friend I finally decided to go to the meet and greet. Once I stepped into the room I knew I needed to be a part of this organization. Everyone was so warm and welcoming and put me at ease. One of the biggest reasons why my anxiety has gone down so much is because of my big Amber Cuff. From the beginning, she has always pushed me to do things I wasn't always comfortable doing. I obviously didn’t enjoy it at the time, however, looking back I am so grateful because she helped me put myself out there.
One of the reasons I love APP so much is because of what it stands for: Love, loyalty and friendship. I find those 3 things extremely important to me and I love knowing that APP values these traits just as much as I do. I am extremely honoured and proud to be able to call myself a sister and wear my letters. I can’t wait to see what other amazing memories I am going to be able to make within this amazing organization." - Emily Woollacott

"“APP has already exceeded my all of my expectations. This organization truly embodies love, loyalty and friendship while actively striving for the betterment of not only their sisterhood but society as a whole. I am so thankful to be able to surround myself with such diverse, inspirational and dedicated ladies and to be able to call them my sisters.” - Lydia Klotz